Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summers Spent on the Back Porch

Summer afternoon - Summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language.
Henry James (1843 - 1916)

In summer, the song sings itself.
William Carlos Williams

We're going to let the photographs speak for themselves as we show you our back patio porch. It's the perfect place to sit, relax and listen to birdsong. One of our guests said it feels like she is sitting in a treehouse when she visits...


Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Hello Ladies! Thank you for becoming a follower on my blog. I came over to have a really pretty blog! I love New England. I grew up in Nova Scotia and have been to the New England & Boston many times. You can be sure I will be over visiting often. Have a great week!

Angel's Attic said...

Hi, just gorgeous. What more can I say.

Robins in the Trundle Bed said...

Wish you all were here to enjoy it with us!!!!