Monday, November 29, 2010

Boston Area Shaker Study Group Film Festival

Donna and Sheila recently spent a wonderful Saturday at the Boston Area Shaker Study Group Film Festival at the Tower Hill Botanical Gardens. They spent the afternoon watching documentaries about the Sabbathday Lake Shaker community. They toured the conservatory that features fruit trees and flowers. Donna and Sheila appeared in one of the films that recently ran on Bob Abernethy's PBS Religion and Ethics series. They were filmed singing Simple Gifts at Sunday meeting during the Friends of the Shakers weekend.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Bronte Family Sitting Room

Forgive us for not posting for a while. Sheila recovered from bronchitis and has had laryngitis for 3 weeks, and Sherrill is now ill with pneumonia. (Mom, too, is recovering from bronchitis!) We'll both be up and about soon, hunting for treasures and bringing those wonderful finds to you. To quote one of our dear friends, our house sounds like the "Bronte Family sitting room."

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Hawthorne Peabody Murphy

Our darling peke-a-poo, Hawthorne, was recently diagnosed with a melanoma on his lip! He is getting great care from our Vet and the staff at the Gardner Animal Care Center, and is receiving specialized cancer treatment at Tufts Animal Hospital. We are praying to St. Francis for the "little heartbeat at our feet" and hope that you will too!!

As we posted earlier, Hawthie was drawn to the beautiful Raphael Madonna print that we won. We still haven't hung it, as Hawthie sleeps next to it (in a spot he has never slept before) every day. Even now, our darling little boy is sleeping while Mary watches over him. Blessings for our dear Hawthorne Peabody Murphy!