Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Darling Mom!

Happy birthday to the best Mother on the planet! You are the perfect combination of talent, kindness and strength! May you be blessed with many more happy, healthy birthdays! Can you tell where our love of vintage derived from? Mom always let us play dress up with her gorgeous tucked-away-for-posterity in the cedar chest wardrobe!


Sherri B. said...

Your Mother is beautiful and the joy in being a mother comes through in the photos..A very Happy Birtday to your mom! xo

Aunt Jane's Attic said...

What lovely photos of your mother, she looks like a film star, Happy Birthday Mum... Julie xxx

Tess Atkinson said...

aw these photos are gorgeous! x

Maria said...

Looking into a short ride to see how you have it. Here at home, there have been snow today .. hum. Wish you a nice evening hugs from Maria

21st Century Vamp said...

Lovely blog!

I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award. See my blog for full details x