Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Louisa May Alcott, Apple Slump, The Old Manse & The Old North Bridge

Is there anything more inspiring than taking a pilgrimage, walking the paths of America's famous literary greats? We saw Louisa May Alcott's writing desk where she penned Little Women; Nathaniel and Sophia's window glass etchings made by their diamond rings; the honeymoon gardens Thoreau planted for The Hawthornes; Mrs. Alcott's yellow ware bowls so enchantingly displayed on her turkey red tablecloth; May's drawings on the walls of The Orchard House where she was encouraged by her father to paint to hone her talents(think of this the next time your little one takes crayon to wallpaper!)...We even trod the path between the Orchard House and The Wayside where the Alcotts and Hawthornes wore a path so long ago. Then on to a fabulous Sunday brunch at The Colonial Inn and a few antique shops. Wish you all could join us for such a day! Now time to revisit our dog-eared copy of Little Women!


Hesta Nesta said...

That looks so gorgeous. I love the old Colonial Inn. I would have loved to have joined you on such a wonderful and inspirational day out.
Jo xx

Robins in the Trundle Bed said...

Wish you could have joined us!!! maybe next time...
Sheila and Sherrill