4 years ago
The blog for Robins in the Trundle Bed Antiques and Whimsy
<div align="center"><a href="http://trundlebedtimes.blogspot.com" title="Trundle Bed Times"><img src="http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l201/shemariemurphy/blogphoto.jpg" alt="Trundle Bed Times" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Bonjour and thank you for coming by and following along. How wonderful that you have an antiques store together. I'll be following along and will be back soon. I'm off to read your older psts.
Dear Mimi,
So glad to hear from you!! Your site is so beautiful and romantic!! We would love to visit Paris some day. We sold a vintage black cocktail dress to a woman in Paris... so part of Robins in the Trundle Bed has made it to Paris and got to dance the night away under the stars!!!
Look forward to reading more on your blog...
Sheila and Sherrill
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